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Past news (2006)

06/11/28 Additional Administrative boundary change data

Administrative boundary database (from 1889 to 2006) were added in this site.

06/11/27 Map Exhibition

Maps using data from this site will be exhibited at the Hokkaido GIS Database Workshop on December 1, 2006.

06/11/20 Changes in the Meiji Era statistical data slide

Data slide were revised substantially as follow:  1) Addition of the Kanto Region graphics data slide; 2) Division of the Kanto Region and Kinki Region into separate pages.   Please view the slides in this website.

06/11/1 Presentation at The Human Geographical Society of Japan

Researches utilizing data from this site will be presented at The Human Geographical Society of Japan to be held on November 12 and 13. Please refer to the abstracts (pdf) available in this website.

06/10/21 Renewal of the Meiji Era Statistical graphics data page

The graphics data page was renewed.  Please view the updates. 

06/10/19 Presentation at the GISA Annual Conference

Researches utilizing data from this site will be presented at the GISA Annual Conference to be held from October 17 to 18.

06/10/12 Presentation at CSIS Day 2006

Researches utilizing data from this site will be presented at the CSIS Day 2006 to be held on October 3. Please refer to the abstracts (pdf) available in this website. 

06/07/21 Changes in the Meiji Era statistical data slide

There were changes made in the data slide.  Please view the updates.

06/07/21 1891 dataset correction of Kanto and Kinki Regions

Errors were found in the administrative boundary dataset of Kanto and Kinki Regions.   CY 2000 Population was not included in the Kanto dataset.  In Kinki Region, there was a mistake found in one of the place in Osaka. For those who have already utilized the dataset, you are advise to please download the latest edition. 

06/07/21 Release of the old administrative boundary of 1891 and requisition order list datasets of Kinki Region

Old administrative boundary data and related regional statistical datasets during the Meiji Era (1891) of Kinki Region were released in public (.shp format).    Please visit the data slide to view a sample utilizing the Meiji data.  To download the data, please go to the download page and register as a user.  In relation to this, we are pleased to inform you that a research was presented using data from this site at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2006, as indicated below.  Please refer to the abstract found in this site (pdf format). 

・(C) University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Division of Spatial Information Science Yuji Murayama`s Laboratory

・ For any inquiries regarding this  website, please contact the  web manager.