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News (2007)

07/12/10 Additional statistical data. 

New data from Prefectural Statistical Book for the City of Tokyo dating back Meiji Era (1888 & 1889) were added in this website.

07/12/8 Additional statistical data

Statistical Map of Ibaraki Prefecture taken from Prefectural Statistical Book of 1893 were added in this website.  The Statistical map can be found on this link.. 

07/11/19 Download interruption

Because of errors detected from the 「Chronological administrative boundary shapefile」 the download service facility has been stopped.  Kindly bear with us while restoration is taking place.

 07/11/05 Additional statistical data

Statistical Map of Ibaraki Prefecture taken from Prefectural Statistical Book of 1889 were added in this website. The Statistical map can be found on this link..

07/11/01 Data improvement

The coordinate system (World Geodetic Reference System and Geographical Coordinate System) of the Chronological administrative boundary shapefiles were revised.  Please take this opportunity to utilized the data. 

07/10/01 Presentation of research on a conference

Researches which utilized data from this site will be presented at the GIS Association of Japan Conference on October 20 to 21, 2007 to be held at Hokkaido University and at the CSIS Day 2007 at The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus.  Watanabe et al. will present a paper entitled "Regional structure of central Japan in Meiji Era through the investigation of Chohatsu Bukken Ichiran Hyo 1891" in GISA conference while Yamashita et al. will present a paper entitled "Spatial relationship between water area and human inhabitation in the Lake Biwa-Yodo River Basin" at the CSIS Days

 07/09/25 Additional statistical data

Statistical map of Chubu Region were added in this website. Statistical map can be found on this link.

07/06/28 Additional statistical data.

Statistical map of Hokuriku Region were added in this website. The Statistical map can be found on this link.

07/06/04 Additional document

Research abstracts for Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007 are now available online.  Please go to Documents section to view each abstract.

07/04/03 Additional data

New data of the City of Tokyo and portion of Saitama Prefecture taken from the Prefectural Statistical Book were added in this website.

07/03/31 Redesign of the homepage

This website was redesigned to make a user-friendly interface. 

07/02/24 Download service facility was added.

You can now download the shapefile of administrative boundary data disaggregated by cities, towns and villages from 1891 to 2006 for the whole country.  Please utilize this download facility.

07/01/15 Data dating back from 1891 of three prefectures in Hokuriku Region (Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui) were released.  

Data of administrative boundary during the Meiji Era (1891) and various regional statistical dataset of the same year in Hokuriku Region were released (shapefile format).

・(C) University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Division of Spatial Information Science Yuji Murayama`s Laboratory
・ For any inquiries regarding this  website, please contact the  web manager.