

Person Trip Survey (PTS)

PTS Person Trip Survey is a large scale transportation fact-finding survey which is carried out by Transportation Planning Committee in Japan mega cities for every decade



To understand the movement of people and travel behavior

To solve transportation issues in various planning processes


Whom to Survey

Households are randomly selected (about 660,000 persons in each city)

Age above 5 and 2% Sample Size

Requested to fill: age group, gender, start /end time, purpose to trip, mode of transportation, etc.


Origin-Destination Estimation and Route Identification

Conversion of public survey into one-minute geospatial data and stores as CSV files based on trip start/end time, mode of transportation, etc. using geospatial technologies, implemented by CSIS, University of Tokyo.


Construction of Web-GIS

Building Web-GIS to extract, analyze and convert the person trip data into GIS ready dataset and visualize the individual movement per day


End Users

Transportation planners, human geographers, social scientists, any spatial information users


The Person Trip Data used in this project is provided by CSIS, University of Tokyo.






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© 2012 Division of Spatial Information Science, University of Tsukuba