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Books and Reports
Chapters in Books
Articles in Refereed Journals
Articles in Non-Refereed Journals
Books and Reports
1990: Regional Analysis, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 169p (in Japanese).

1991: Spatial Structure of Traffic Flows, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 311p (in Japanese and English).

1993: Regional Analysis (Second edition), Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 177p (in Japanese).

1993: (with H. Ono), Geographical Information System for Regional Analysis, Technical Report, Ministry of Education, Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, 205p (in Japanese).

1995: (with O. Nishikawa et al., eds.), Atlas: Environmental Change in Modern Japan, Tokyo: Asakura Shoten, 187p (in Japanese and English).

1997: (with N. Takahashi et al.), New Urban Geography, Tokyo: Touyou-shorin, 237p (in Japanese).

1998:  Space-time Analysis of Non-aggregate Data Using GIS, Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, 102p (in Japanese with English abstract).

1998: (with K. Nakamura et al.), Introduction to Geographical Information System, Tokyo: Kokon-shoin, 212p (in Japanese).

1998: Regional Analysis (New edition), Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 173p (in Japanese).

2000: Japanese Urban System (ed), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 272p in English

2001: (with H.Kohsaka),GIS: Contribution to Geography (ed), Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 384p (in Japanese).

2001: (with J. Ida and S. Itoh), Geographical Information for School Education (eds.), Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 195p (in Japanese).

2001: The Contribution of GIS to Geographical Research (ed.), GeoJournal, 52-3, 118p (in English).

2003: (with N. Takahashi, A. Tezuka and J.R. Pitt), Regional Metropoles in France under EU Integration (eds.), Tokyo:Kokon Shoin, 265p (in Japanese).

2003: Area Studies (ed), Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten,200p (in Japanese).

2003: GIS Applications in Geography Education (ed), Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, 204p (in Japanese).

2003: Geography in the21th Century (ed), Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten, 184p (in Japanese)

2004: Theory and Practice of Education GIS (ed), Tokyo: Kokon-Shoin, 184p. (in Japanese).

1986, (with Sh. Yamamoto and Y. Uchiyama), An Introduction to Agricultural Geography by D. Grigg, Tokyo: Hara Shobo, 237p.

1991, (with Sh. Yamamoto), The World Food Problem by D. Grigg, Tokyo: Norin Tokei Kyokai, 294p.

1992, (with N. Fujita), The Retail Environment by K. Jones and J. Simmons, Tokyo: Taimeido, 339p.

1994, (with Sh. Yamamoto), The World Food Problem (Second edition) by D. Grigg, Tokyo: Norin Tokei Kyokai, 315p.

1997, (with Sh. Yamamoto et al), The Transformation of Agriculture in the West by D. Grigg, Tokyo: Norin Tokei Kyokai, 162p.

1998, Paris and modern forms of metropolization by P. Claval, in Takahashi et al., eds., Paris Metropoilitan Ares - Its Structural Changes -, Tokyo: Toyo Shorin, 45-54.

1998, (with Sh. Yamamoto et al), An Introduction to Agricultural Geography (Second edition) by D. Grigg, Tokyo: Norin Tokei Kyokai, 260p.

2001, (with Sh. Yamamoto and A. Tezuka), The Dynamics of Agricultural Change by D. Grigg, Tokyo: Ninomiya Shoten, 256p.

2003, (with H. Tanabe et al), Oxford Dictionary of Geography by S. Mayhew, Tokyo:Asakura-Shoten, 380p.

Chapters in Books
1987, (with Sh. Yamamoto et al.), Agricultural hinterland in Abukuma mountainous area, in Sh. Yamamoto et al., eds., Rural Space in Japan, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 266-287 (in Japanese).

1987, Transportation network in Japan, in N. Hasegawa, ed., Topics in Geography, Tokyo: Taimeido, 147-154 (in Japanese).

1989, Transportation geography, in T. Akahane and S. Yamamoto, eds., Geography of Modern Society, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 108-126 (in Japanese).

1990, (with Sh. Yamamoto), Settlement development and agricultural management of small religious groups in Canada, in The Commemorative Association of Japanese Geographers for Dr. G. H. Kakiuchi's Retirement, ed., America and Canada, A Physical, Economic and Social Geography, Tokyo: Taimeido, 207-224 (in Japanese).

1991, (with Sh. Yamamoto et al.), Regional structure of the agriculture in the Kanto area, in Sh. Yamamoto, ed., Spatial Structure in the National Capital Region, Tokyo: Ninomiya Shoten, 12-30 (in Japanese).

1991, Change in the migration pattern in Japan, in Sh. Yamamoto, ed., Spatial Structure in the National Capital Region, Tokyo: Ninomiya Shoten, 455-463 (in Japanese).

1991, A review on quantitative transportation geography, in Study Group on the History of Transport Theory, ed., Study on the History of Transport Theory (Part 4), Tokyo: Research Center of Transport Economy, 377-390 (in Japanese).

1994, (with Y. Hashimoto), The spatial structure of population by age and gender in the Nagoya metropolitan area, in N.Takahashi and T. Taniuchi, eds., Three Metropolitan Areas in Japan, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 141-165 (in Japanese).

1994, The process of land-use conversion in the Tokyo metropolitan area as shown by Markov chain models, in N. Takahashi and T. Taniuchi, eds., Three Metropolitan Areas in Japan, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 49-72 (in Japanese).

1996, A review on the urban system study, in T. Okuno, ed., Spatial Analysis on Urban Areas and Transportation, Tokyo: Taimeido, 184-201 (in Japanese).

1996, (with H. Ono), Raster-type Geographical Information System, IDRISI, in H. Kohsaka and A. Okabe eds., Geographical Information: Source Book, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 193-201 (in Japanese).

1996, Cities connected by information flows, in N. Takahashi et al., eds., Introduction to Geography, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 58-61 (in Japanese).

1996, Sweden, in N. Takahashi, ed., Area Atlas of Europe, Tokyo: Heibonsha, 18-19.

1997, Inter-regional flows of commodities, passengers and information, Outcomes and Issues of Economic Geography, Tokyo: Taimeidou, 232-246 (in Japanese).

1998, (with N. Takahashi, A. Sakurai, A. Tezuka, T. Kikuchi and K. Matsumura), Characteristics of residential and living space in Paris, in Takahashiet al., eds., Paris Metropoilitan Ares - Its Structural Changes -, Tokyo: Toyo Shorin, 74-98 (in Japanese).

1998, Paris and Tokyo: Statistical comparison of urban spatial structure, in Takahashi et al., eds., Paris Metropoilitan Areas - Its Structural Changes -, Tokyo: Toyo Shorin, 261-281 (in Japanese).

1999, The decline of the central commercial district and future prospects in small cities in Japan, in Kobayashi, K., Matsuo, Y. and Tsutsumi , K. eds., Local Knowledge and Innovation :Enhancing the Substance of Non-metropolitan Regions, Tottori:MARG, 143-150 (in English).

2000, Urban spatial structure, in I. Ianos et al., eds., Integrated Urban Systems and Sustainability of Urban Life, Bucharest: Editura, 433-454 (in English).

2001,Geography with GIS, in H. Kohsaka and Y. Murayama, eds., GIS:Contribution to Geography, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 1-22 (in Japanese).

2001, Land use change in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, in K. Tomita and T. Fujii, eds., Large Metropolitan Area, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 28-29 (in Japanese).

2002, Changing spatial structure of the Toulouse metropolitan area under European Union integration, in W.K.D. Davies and I.J. Townshend, eds., Monitoring Cities: International Perspectives, Calgary: IGU Urban Commission, 213-226.

2003, GIS and urban geography, in N. Takahashi, ed., Horizon of Human Geography in the 21st Century, Tokyo: Kokon Shoin, 61-70 (in Japanese).

2004, Use of socioeconomic statistical data. Higher education, in GISA, ed., The Encyclopedia of Geographical Information Science, Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten, 24-25, 440-441.(in Japanese).

2005, (with S. Satoh), Urban development in Toronto, Canada. In Nakagawa, F. and Yamada, M., eds., Studies in Colonial Cities, JCAS Area Studies Research Reports, 8, 369-379. (in Japanese).

Articles in Refereed Journals
1982, Potential accessibility in terms of daily activity, The Human Geography, 34-1, 1-34 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1982, Re-examination of the Nystuen-Dacey model in terms of nodal regionalization, Geographical Sciences, 37-2, 73-84 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1982, Canadian urban system and its evolution process in terms of air-passenger flows, Geographical Review of Japan, 55-6, 380-402 (in English with Japanese abstract).

1982, Settlement development and agricultural management of small religious groups in Canada, the case of Mennonites and Hutterites in Manitoba, Regional Studies, 23-1, 7-18 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1982, Diffusion channels of innovations in the urban systems: The case of Lions clubs, Annals of the Tohoku Geographical Association, 34-4, 224-235 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1984, Regional structure of Japanese commodity flows: An approach of geographical field theory, Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers, 30-2, 95-111 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1986, Studies on air-transportation geography: A review, The Human Geography, 38-4, 47-71 (in Japanese).

1986, Spatial structure of the domestic air transportation network in Canada, The Annual Review of Canadian Studies, 7, 36-46 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1991, Change in the Japanese internal migration pattern, Acta Geographica Lovaniensia, 31, 96-107 (in English).

1991, (with Y. Hashimoto), Regional characteristics of the migration by sex and age classes in Aichi Prefecture, Annals of the Tohoku Geographical Association, 43-2, 122-138 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1994, The impact of railways on accessibility in the Japanese urban system, Journal of Transport Geography, 2-2, 87-100 (in English).

1994, City systems research: outcomes and issues, The Human Geography, 46-4, 396-417 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1995, (with K. Kikuchi et al.), The changes of farm management and their characteristics in rural hinterland of Paris metropolitan region; a case study of Etampes county, the northeastern part of Beauce plain, Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers, 41-3, 227-242 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1996, (with H. Ono), Internet Information on the GIS and Geography, Journal of Geography, 105-1, 26-37 (in Japanese).

1996, Development of human geography in Sweden, Journal of Geography, 105-4, 411-430 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1997, (with T. Murayama), Geography education in Sweden, Journal of Geography, 106-6, 894-898 (in Japanese).

1997, (with T. Inoue and Y. Hashimoto), Spatial chain patterns of intra-urban migration, Geographia Polonica, 69, 135-152 (in English).

1999, Internet GIS for historical statistics, Journal of Geography, 108, 328-331 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2000, (with C. Zhang), Testing local spatial autocorrelation using k-order neighbours, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 14-7, 681-692 (in English).

2000, Changing spatial structure of the Lille metropolitan area under EU integration, Journal of Geography, 109-3, 427-444 (in English).

2001, Geography with GIS, GeoJournal, 52-3, 165-171 (in English).

2003, (with C. Zhang), Evaluation on the prominences of irregular areas based on spatial weight matrices, Geographical Review of Japan, 76-11, 777-787 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2004, American influence on Japanese human geography: A focus on the quantitative and GIS revolutions, GeoJournal, 59-1, 73-76(in English).


Articles in Non-Refereed Journals
1979, Regional characteristics of the air transportation network in Canada, Bulletin of M. A. Thesis (Area Studies, Univ. of Tsukuba), 1, 60-63 (in Japanese).

1981, (with A. Tezuka et al.), Change in the agricultural management, Area Research Paper,3, 23-56 (in Japanese).

1982, (with K. Neda et al.), Regionality of cooperative societies in Dejima village, Area Research Paper, 4, 63-74 (in Japanese).

1983, Changes in the Niigata city-system based upon the commodity net-flows, 1970-1980, Area Research Paper, 5, 131-142 (in Japanese).

1983, The evolution of transportation and the unity of Canada, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 9, 14-19 (in English).

1984, (with K. Neda), The shop composition and the formation process in the central shopping area in Hokota, Area Research Paper, 6, 67-83 (in Japanese).

1984, Spatial pattern of Japanese commodity flows and its change from 1970 to 1980, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 8, 1-31 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1984, (with Sh. Yamamoto et al.), Peasant farming in Abukuma highland, the case of Samekawa-mura, Fukushima Prefecture, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 8, 59-111 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1984, International city-system in North America: an approach from air-passenger flows, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 10, 8-18 (in Japanese).

1985, Population mobility in the Metropolitan Toronto, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography,9, 219-242 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1986, Method for searching geographical papers (geographical information for spatial analysis), Chiri, 31-1, 58-65 (in Japanese).

1986, Method for finding geographical materials (geographical information for spatial analysis), Chiri, 31-2, 72-79 (in Japanese).

1986, Availability of statistical data (geographical information for spatial analysis), Chiri, 31-3, 94-101 (in Japanese).

1986, Analysis of statistical data (geographical information for spatial analysis), Chiri, 31-4, 102-109 (in Japanese).

1986, Computer mapping (geographical information for spatial analysis), Chiri, 31-5, 86-91 (in Japanese).

1987, On multivariate analysis (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 32-9, 73-79 (in Japanese).

1987, Regression analysis (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 32-10, 85-93 (in Japanese).

1987, Factor analysis (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 32-11, 131-140 (in Japanese).

1988, Cluster analysis (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 33-1, 148-155 (in Japanese).

1988, Canonical analysis (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 33-2, 129-136 (in Japanese).

1988, Multi-dimensional scaling (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 33-3, 126-134 (in Japanese).

1988, Quantification theory (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 33-4, 136-144 (in Japanese).

1988, Various multivariate analyses (multivariate analysis in geography), Chiri, 33-5, 129-136 (in Japanese).

1988, (with Sh. Yamamoto and A. Akimoto), Regional structure of agriculture in the Kanto district, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 12, 139-163 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1988, Regional pattern of the commodity flows in Japan, Jinbun Ronso, Univ. of Mie, 5, 103-112 (in English).

1989, Geographical studies on commodity flows: a review, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography,13, 129-146 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1989, Change in the commodity flow patterns in Japan, in N. Hasegawa, ed., Synthetic Study on Circulation Geography (Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture), 68-72 (in Japanese).

1989, Japanese urban system in terms of commodity flows, in N. Hasegawa, ed., Comparative Study on Urban Systems in Japan and Korea (Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture), 63-67 (in English).

1989, (with T. Inoue), Intra-urban migration patterns in Yokkaichi City, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 15, 10-16 (in English). 1990, Regional structure of commodity flows in Japan: an application of dynamic geographical field theory, Sci. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, Sec. A, 11, 79-114 (in English).

1990, Space-time analysis of internal migration in postwar Japan, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 14, 169-188 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1990, Development of quantitative transportation geography, Research on the Transportation History (Research Center of Transport Economy), 117-131 (in Japanese).

1990, Method for analyzing regional characteristics, Government Forum, 374, 31-37 (in Japanese).

1990, (with M. Otsuka), Introduction to statistical data from the Meiji period to the second world war, News Letter of GIS for Environmental Change,1, 43-55 (in Japanese).

1990, The tertiary industry (a survey of geographical studies in Japan, 1989), The Human Geography, 42-3, 260-263 (in Japanese).

1991, Geography and multivariate analysis, Basic Mathematics, 24-3, 14-19 (in Japanese).

1991, (with Sh. Yamamoto), Employment structure in the Kanto area, Annual Report on The Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank (Statistical Data Bank Project, Institute of Socio-economic Planning), 101-141 (in Japanese).

1991, Geography of Canada, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 15, 161-185 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1991, (with Sh. Yamamoto), Changes in the employment structure in the Kanto area, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 15, 187-222 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1991, The development of transportation and communication network and its impact on the socio-economic environment based upon the modernization, in O. Nishikawa, ed., Geographical Information System for Environmental Change (Part 2) (Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture), 23-30 (in Japanese).

1991, (with N. Hasegawa), Characteristics of housing locations in Seoul, Korea, Papers on Housing and Land Problem, 18, 3-20 (in Japanese).

1991, An introduction to geographical information system, Chiri, 36-6, 28-35 (in Japanese).

1991, Descriptive model (spatial models on transportation), Mobility, 84, 73-82 (in Japanese).

1991, Network model (spatial models on transportation), Mobility, 85, 59-70 (in Japanese).

1991, (with H. Ono), On ARC/INFO (introduction to ARC/INFO for regional analysis), News Letter of GIS for Environmental Change, 8, 15-32 (in Japanese).

1991, (with H. Ono), Method to draw grid maps using ARCSHELL (introduction to ARC/INFO for regional analysis), News Letter of GIS for Environmental Change, 9, 7-25 (in Japanese).

1991, (with H. Ono), Method to draw grid maps using land-use numerical information (introduction to ARC/INFO for regional analysis), News Letter of GIS for Environmental Change, 10, 19-42 (in Japanese).

1991, Japanese commodity flows in the mid-Taisho period, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 17, 13-19 (in English).

1992, Quantitative analysis of the land-use change in the Tokyo metropolitan area, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 16, 79-107 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1992, The land-use change in the Tokyo metropolitan area based upon the numerical information data base, Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank (Statistical Data Bank Project, Institute of Socio-economic Planning), 2-36 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1992, Accessibility model (spatial modes on transportation), Mobility, 86, 42-51 (in Japanese).

1992, Statistical data base for regional analysis, Statistics, 43-1, 42-43 (in Japanese).

1992, (with N. Takahashi et al.), Changes in the regional structure of commercial activity in Tsukuba, Area Research Paper, 14, 43-64 (in Japanese).

1992, Spatial flow pattern of commodities in the Taisho period, in O. Nishikawa, ed., Geographical Information System for Environmental Change (Part 2), Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, 31-38 (in English and Japanese abstract).

1992, Japanese commodity flows by railways in the high economic growth period, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 18, 16-21 (in English).

1992, Canadian geography aiming at practical science, Chiri, 37-10, 43-48 (in Japanese).

1992, Model for establishing transport regions (spatial models on transportation), Mobility, 87, 102-110 (in Japanese).

1992, Spatial interaction model (spatial models on transportation), Mobility, 88, 90-98 (in Japanese).

1992, Canadian Geography with high social status, Chirigeppo, 404, 1-3 (in Japanese).

1993, Transport innovation and the regional changes in the period of modernization, in O. Nishikawa, ed., Geographical Information System for Environmental Change (Part 2), Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, 15-20 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1993, Transformation of human behavioral space in Japan: 1898-1990 − An analysis of accessibility change −,in The Change of Human Behavior in the High Information Society, Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, 527-562 (in English with Japanese abstract).

1993, The estimation of the land use change in the Tokyo metropolitan area, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 17, 69-86 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1993, Studies on American urban and economic geography in Japan, Annual Report of American Studies Center (Tokyo Univ.), 15, 39-52 (in Japanese).

1993, Regional structure of commodity flows, New Ibaragi, 25-11, 10-15 (in Japanese).

1994, (with Y. Nakamura), Map information system for regional statistics in the Meiji period, Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 70, 41-67 (in Japanese).

1994, (with H. Ono), Regional analysis using IDRISI, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography,18, 37-59 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1994, (with T. Arai), Locational development of new Japanese telecommunications network, The Change of Human Behavior in the Information Age (Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research), 481-517 (in English).

1994, (with J. Tsutsumi et al.), Urbanization process in Ishioka-shi, Area Research Paper,16, 25-48 (in Japanese).

1994, (with H. Ono), On GIS tutor 2, Quarterly Journal of Geography, 46-2, 147-150 (in Japanese).

1994, The process of land use conversion in the Tokyo metropolitan area as shown by Markov chain models, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba,20, 5-10 (in English).

1995, Systems of cities, CHOROS Dept. of Human and Economic Geography, School of Economics and Commercial Law, Gothenburg University, 1995:1, 28p (in English).

1995, (with N. Nakamura), Map information system in the Meiji and Taisho periods, Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 71, (Statistical Data Bank Project, Inst. Socio-Economic Planning), 77-111(in Japanese).

1995, The spatial structure of population in the Nagoya metropolitan area by age and gender, Sci. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, Sec. A., 16, 69-89 (in English).

1995, Geographical studies on the changes in the behavior space. The Change of Human Behavior in the Information Society (Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture), 459-507 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1996, (with J. Tsutsumi et al.), Change in the regional structure of commercial activity in Yuki, Area Research Paper, 18, 45-66 (in Japanese).

1996, (with H. Ono), Internet information of geography departments in the world, Quarterly Journal of Geography, 48-1, 42-46 (in Japanese).

1996, Regional structure of information flow in Japan, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography,20, 173-184 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1996, Spatial analysis of transportation network, Statistics, 47-2, 14-19 (in Japanese).

1996, Regional statistics in the Meiji and Taisho period, Estrela, No. 23, 60-63 (in Japanese).

1996, Map information system by Internet in the Meiji and Taisho periods, Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 72, 40-55 (Statistical Data Bank Project, Inst. Socio-Economic Planning), 69-79 (in Japanese).

1996, (with H. Ono), Internet GIS for historical statistics, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 5, 143-146 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1996, (with J. Yamashita and M. Hirai), The effect of natural barriers on spatial interactions: a study on the decline of population movement between the Chugoku and Shikoku regions in Japan, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, 22, 13-16 (in English).

1996, Development process of the East Asian city-system, in NLI Research Institute - BAPPENAS Joint Research ed., Study on Emerging International Urban System of Megacities in East Asia, Nissey Research Institute, 53p (in English).

1997, Paris and Tokyo: A statistical comparison of urban spatial structure, Sci. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, Sec. A. 18, 37-56 (in English).

1997, Internet GIS for regional statistics, Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 73, (Statistical Data Bank Project, Inst. Socio-Economic Planning), 99-109 (in Japanese).

1997, (with H. Ono), Internet Information on the GIS and Geography, in O. Nishikawa, ed., Study on Geographic Information Science and the Organization of the Research and Education , (Report for the Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research), 252-273 (in Japanese).

1997, (with N. Takahashi, A. Sakurai, A. Tezuka, T. Kikuchi and K. Matsumura), Characteristics of residential and living space in Paris, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 21,1-37 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1997, Spatial data infrastructure and GIS, Chiri,42-12, 32-38 (in Japanese).

1997, Traffic region et al , in Sh. Yamamoto,et al, eds., Dictionary of Human Geography, 525p, Tokyo: Asakura Shoten (in Japanese).

1997, Accessibility et al , in Special Interest Group for Terminology and Education, GISA ed., Glossary of Geographic Information Science, 175p, Tokyo: GISA (in Japanese).

1997, Geographical study on the strengthening the socio-economic interaction between megacities in East Asia , in Annual Report

1997, Tokyo: Fukutake Science and Culture Foundation, 127-134 (in Japanese).

1998, Linkage of statistics with GIS, Statistics,48-4, 26-31 (in Japanese).

1988, (with M. Kawase, et al ), Changes in the commercial regional structure in Hitachi Ota, Area Research Paper, 19, 1-42 (in Japanese).

1998, (with H. Ono), Development of internet GIS, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 22, 99-128 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1998, Internet GIS, Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 74, (Statistical Data Bank Project, Inst. Socio-Economic Planning), 103-144 (in Japanese).

1998, (with T. Inoue), Intra-urban migration patterns by age class: a case study of Yokkaichi city, The Aoyama Journal of Economics, 50-1, 61-76 (in Japanese).

1998, (with M. Kawase, N. Iwama, and J. Kaneko), Changes in the commercial structure of a small city during the transition to motorization: A case study of Hitachiota, Ibaraki, Japan, Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, 24, 1-5.

1999, Internet GIS: map information systems of population census in 1920 and 1930,The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 23, 59-79 (in Japanese with English abstract).

1999, (with C. Zhang), The analysis of local spatial autocorrelation by using k-order neighbors statistics, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 8, 105-110(in Japanese).

1999, Availability of internet GIS for school education, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 8, 23-26(in Japanese).

1999, Role of Census as the regional statistics, Tokei (Statistics), 50-10, 31-36(in Japanese).

1999, Internet GIS on historical statistics, Journal of Geography, 108, 328-331(in Japanese).

2000, Regional statistics and GIS, Tokei (Statistics), 51-2, 21-27 (in Japanese).

2000, Internet GIS for Malaysian population analysis, Sci. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, Sec. A., 21,131-146 (in English).

2000, (with S. Yokoyama), GIS instruction in colleges and universities: hands-on training for geography majors, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography.,24, 77-98 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2000, (with M. Hirai and M. Jung), Home buying behavior of residents in the housing estates in Hitachinaka City: an example of Kashiwano and Sawanomori estates constructed by the subsidiary housing developer, Area Research Paper, 22, 111-132 (in Japanese).

2001, Availability of Internet GIS for human and social science education, in S. Sakamoto ed., Advanced Use of Multimedia for the Higher Education Reform, Part 3, NIME, 1-6 (in Japanese).

2001, (with T. Morimoto and K. Tanaka), GIS instruction designed for geography majors: theme materials for land use analysis. The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 25, 77-100 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2001, (with N.Takahashi, A. Tezuka, A. Taira, H. Oda and K. Matsumura), Geographical transformation of the Lyon metropolitan area under the EU integration, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 25, 201-248 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2001, Availability of Internet GIS for human and social science education (1), in S. Sakamoto ed., Advanced Use of Multimedia for the Higher Education Reform, Part 3, NIME, 1-6 (in Japanese).

2002, (with N. Takahashi, et al.), Geographical transformation of the Toulouse metropolitan area under The EU integration, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 26, 45-80 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2002, (with T. Morimoto and M. Hirai), Management of GIS for research and education in a geography course of doctoral program, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 26, 151-166 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2002, Availability of internet GIS for geography education, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 26, 25-43 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2002, Availability of Internet GIS for human and social science education (2), in S. Sakamoto ed., Advanced Use of Multimedia for the Higher Education Reform, Part 3, NIME, 17-22 (in Japanese).

2002,  (with K. Tanaka, et al.), Change in living environment and everyday behavior in in-migration area: a case of Keyakidai district in Mito city,  Area Research Paper, 24, 121-152 (in Japanese).

2002, (with. Kurishima, et al.), Regional characteristics of administrative demand and service provision in Mito city, Area Research Paper, 24, 85-102 (in Japanese).

2002, (with T. Morimoto), GIS education in the University of Tsukuba, Chiri, 47-2, 66-71(in Japanese).

2002, Changing spatial structure of the Toulouse metropolitan area under European Union integration. Davies, W.K.D., Townshend, I.J., eds., Monitoring Cities: International Perspectives. IGU Urban Commission, Calgary, 213-226 (in English).

2003, Spatial structure of socioeconomic characteristics in Peninsular Malaysia, Sci. Rep. Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, Sec. A., 24,17-35 (in English).

2003, (with H. Ono), Development of integrated spatial analysis system using open sources, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 27, 71-105 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2003, (with T. Morimoto, S. Ohashi and T. Shinto), Mapping and analyzing land use with GPS and GIS, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography,27, 107-129 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2003, (with H. Ono), Development of integrated spatial analysis using open sources, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 12, 259-270 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2003, Preface to the special issues on GIS, Geographical Review of Japan, 76-10, 685-686 (in Japanese).

2004, Web GIS in school education, JACIC Information, 72, 70-74 (in Japanese).

2004, Development of environmental information WebGIS for school education, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 28, 13-26 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2004,(with T. Morimoto, Kondoh, H. and N. Komaki), Usefulness of GPS and GIS in behavioral geography: a case of field survey, The Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography, 28, 27-47 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2004, (with Y. Zhao),  Field-based fuzzy spatial reasoning in GIS, Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 13, 323-326.

2004, How has GIS contributed to urban geography ? Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba, 30, 5-8.

2005, (with J. Kaneko, T. Morimoto, T. Kubo and M. Maruyama), Method for the spatial cognition analysis using GIS and GPS, Tsukuba Stud. Hum. Geogr.,29, 1-14 (in Japanese with English abstract).

2005, Web GIS for mapping changes in the administrative boundary, Ann. Rep., Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 81, 39-56(in Japanese).
