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Last updated on October 17,2016

J:in Japanese,
JE:in Japanese with English abstract,
‹:first author,
*:researchers belonging to Univ. Tsukuba, not doctoral program,
**:researchers not belonging to Univ. Tsukuba, not doctoral program,
***:graduate students belonging to Univ. Tsukuba.

(2016): Spatiotemporal analysis of urban growth in three African capital cities: A grid-cell-based analysis. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 123, 381-391. (with Hou, H., ‹*** and Estoque, R. C.)

(2016): Visualization of land-use/land-cover changes in major Asian and African cities. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank. (with Estoque, R. C., Hou, H.,*** Gong, H.,*** Simwanda, M., *** Subasinghe, S., *** and Zhang, X.***)

(2016): Quantifying landscape pattern and ecosystem service value changes in four rapidly urbanizing hill stations of Southeast Asia. Landscape Ecology, 31, 1481-1507. (with Estoque, R. C.‹)

(2015): Digital Inoh map (professional edition). Kawade-shobo-shinsha. (CD-ROM) (J)

(2015): Digital Inoh map (standard edition). Kawade-shobo-shinsha. (CD-ROM) (J)

(2015): Measuring urban volume: geospatial technique and application. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 11, 13-20. (with Estoque, R. C.‹, Tadono, T. **and Thapa, R.B. **)

(2015): WEB-GIS for visualizing land use/cover change in mega-cities in developing countries. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 11, 21-25. (with Gong, H.‹***)

(2015): Land-use/cover changes in megacities in Asia and Africa. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 92, 17-64. (with Estoque, R. C., * Subasinghe, S., *** Hou, H. *** and Gong, H. ***)

(2015): Intensity and spatial pattern of urban land changes in the megacities of Southeast Asia. Land Use Policy, 48, 213-222. (with Estoque, R. C.‹)

(2015): Classification and change detection of built-up lands from Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS imageries: A comparative assessment of various spectral indices. Ecological Indicators, 56, 205-217. (with Estoque, R. C. ‹)

(2015): Identification of suitability of sites for microenterprises for value chain development: A study in Gazipur District, Bangladesh. Growth and Change, 46, 274-291. (with Khaleda, S. ‹**)

(2015): History of geographical information systems and geographical information science. In Asami, Y. et al. eds., Geographic Information Science GIS Standards. Kokon-shoin, Tokyo, 8-15. (J)

(2015): Pixel-based and object-based classifications using high- and medium-spatial-resolution imageries in the urban and suburban landscapes. Geocarto International, 30, 1113-1129. (with Estoque, R. C. ‹* and Akiyama, C.M. **)

(2015): Modeling deforestation in Dzalanyama Forest Reserve, Lilongwe, Malawi: a multi-agent simulation approach. GeoJournal, 80, 743-757. (with Munthali, K.G.‹**)

(2014): Measuring sustainability based upon various perspectives: A case study of a hill station in Southeast Asia. AMBIO, 43, 943-956. (with Estoque, R. C. ‹*)

(2014): Real-time geospatial data collection and visualization with smartphone. Journal of Geographic Information Systems, 6, 99-108. (with Lwin, K. K. ‹* and Hashimoto, M. ***)

(2014): Tsunami vulnerability assessment in the Southern Boso Peninsula, Japan. International Journal of Risk Reduction, 10A, 190-200. (with Voulgaris, G. ‹***).

(2014): Social ecological status index: A preliminary study of its structural composition and application. Ecological Indicators, 43, 183-194. (with Estoque, R. C. ‹*)

(2014): Comparison of urban landscape patterns in three major cities of Southeast Asia: A geospatial approach. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 10, 3-10. (with Estoque, R. C., ‹* Kamusoko, C. ** and Yamashita, A. *)

(2014): Mobility and urban structure: A Case study of four capital cities in Asia. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 10, 33-42. (with Greger, K. ‹***)

(2014): Experimental study on smart tracking and geo-event data warehousing system for person trip surveying. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 10, 51-55. (with Lwin, K. ‹* and Hashimoto, M. ***)

(2014): Comparative analysis of urban land changes in the major cities of Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association Conference, 23, 5 p. (CD-ROM). (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2014): Analysis of tourist dynamics in metropolitan areas using people flow data. Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association Conference, 23, 4 p. (CD-ROM). (with Sugimoto, K.‹*)

(2014): Murayama, Y. Methodology and practice of fieldwork: A view from human geography. Studies in Human Geography, 34, 247-254. (J)

(2014): Capture, analysis, visualization and circulation of geospatial data by field survey: Construction of Campus GIS of University of Tsukuba.Studies in Human Geography, 34, 225-246. (J, with Hashimoto, M.* ** and Lwin, K. K.*)

(2014): Collection method for spatio-temporal micro-scale personal movement data.Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 91, 63-83. (with Greger, K. ‹***

(2014): Social–ecological status index: A preliminary study of its structural composition and application.Ecological Indicator,43, 183-194. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2014): A geospatial approach for detecting and characterizing non-stationarity of land change patterns and its potential effect on modeling accuracy.GIScience & Remote Sensing, 51(3), 239-252. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2014): Systematization of fieldwork methodology: A study on capture, management, analysis and circulation of geographical data. Studies in Human Geography, 34, 1-2. (J)

(2013): Development of GIS studies in Japan. Geographical Review of Japan Series B,86(1), 75-81.(2013): Introduction to geographical information science. Kawaijuku Guideline, 2013.11, 75-77. (J)

(2013): Quantitative revolution. In The Human Geographical Society of Japan ed., The Dictionary of Human Geography, 42-43, Maruzen, Tokyo. (J)

(2013): Regional Analysis: Data Collection, Analysis and Evaluation, Kokon-shoin, Tokyo, 180p. (J, with Komaki, N. **)

(2013): Landscape pattern and ecosystem service value changes: Implications for environmental sustainability planning for the rapidly urbanizing summer capital of the Philippines. Landscape and Urban Planning, 116, 60-72. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2013): Smart eco-path finder for mobile GIS users. URISA Journal, 25(2), 5-13. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*)

(2013): Geographic concentration and development potential of poultry microenterprises and value chain: A study based on suitable sites in Gazipur, Bangladesh. Social Sciences, 2(3), 147-167. (with Khaleda, S.‹*)

(2013): Identification of bicycle lane steepness from high resolution LIDAR data for Campus Geographical Information System.Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 7, 43-47. (with Lwin, K.K. ‹* and Yifei, Z.)

(2013): Evaluation of land cover classification based on multispectral versus pansharpened landsat ETM plus imagery. GIScience & Remote Sensing,50(4), 458-472. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*)

(2013): Visualization and analysis of geographic information under wireless networking environment. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 90, 11-20. (with Lwin, K.K. ‹* and Hashimoto, M.***)

(2013): Collection method for geospatial information by field survey. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 90, 21-31. (J with Hashimoto, M. ‹***, Lie, K. **, Morimoto, T. *)

(2013): Landscape pattern and ecosystem service value changes: Implications for environmental sustainability planning for the rapidly urbanizing summer capital of the Philippines. Landscape and Urban Planning, 116, 60-72. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2013): City profile: Baguio. Cities, 30, 240-251. (with Estoque, R.C.‹*)ed(2012): Progress in geospatial analysis. Tokyo: Springer, 291p.

(2012): Development of geospatial analysis. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 1-9, Tokyo: Springer.

(2012): Multilayer perceptron neural networks in geospatial analysis. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 125-141, Tokyo: Springer. (with Khoi, D. D.‹**)

(2012): Land suitability assessment using a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 215-235, Tokyo: Springer. (with Khoi, D. D.‹**)

(2012): Data collection, processing and applications for geospatial analysis. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 29-48, Tokyo: Springer. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*and Estoque, R.C. *)

(2012): Urban growth modeling using Bayesian probability function. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 197-214, Tokyo: Springer. (with Thapa, R. B.‹**)

(2012): Neighborhood interaction in urban land-use changes using cellular automata-based geosimulation. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 237-251, Tokyo: Springer. (with Zhao, Y.‹** and Cui, B. **)

(2012): GIS network model in geospatial analysis. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 183-194, Tokyo: Springer. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*)

(2012): Web-based interactive walkability measurement using RS and GIS. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 253-272, Tokyo: Springer. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*)

(2012): Watershed evaluation using geospatial techniques. In: Murayama, Y. (ed). Progress in geospatial analysis. 273-285, Tokyo: Springer. (with Munthali, K. G.‹**)

(2012): Extending agent-based landuse/-cover change models to tropical deforestation: A focus on farm-based decision making in tropical subsistence farming. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26, 1881-1895. (with Munthali, K. G.‹**)

(2012): Introducing new measures of accuracy for LUC (land-use/cover) change modeling. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 8, 3-7. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2012): Mapping the housing types from LIDAR data for micro-scale spatial analysis: A case of Tsukuba City. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 8, 9-15. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*)

(2012): Examining the potential impact of land use/cover changes on the ecosystem services of Baguio city, the Philippines: A scenario-based analysis. Applied Geography, 35(1-2), 316-326. (with Estoque, R.C.‹*)

(2012): Examining the relationship between error due to allocation in land-cover change modeling and non-stationarity of land-cover change. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association 2012. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*)

(2012): Interactive online GIS system for massive surveyed person trip data visualization and space-time analysis. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association 2012. (with Lwin, K. K.‹*)

(2012): Special Issue on "Geography in the World" for the IGU Kyoto Regional Conference 2013. Journal of Geography, 121, 579-585. (JE with Kumaki, Y. **, Kikuchi, T. **, Matsumoto, Y.**, Kureha, M. ** and Koide, H. **)

(2012): Scenario based urban growth allocation in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105, 140-148. (with Thapa, R.B.‹**)

(2012): Land use and natural resources planning for sustainable ecotourism using GIS in Surat Thani, Thailand. Sustainability, 4(3), 412-429. (with Bunruamkaew, K.‹***)

(2012): Prioritizing areas for rehabilitation by monitoring change in Barangay-based vegetation cover. International Journal of Geo-Information, 1(1), 46-68. (with Estoque, R. C.‹*** and Estoque, R. S. **)

(2012): Quantitative versus qualitative geospatial data in spatial modelling and decision making. Journal of Geographic Information System, 4(3), 237-241. (with Lwin, K. K. ‹ and Mizutani, C. ***)

(2012): Collection and visualization of micro spatial data in a small area: A case study of Campus GIS construction. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 89, 33-52. (J with Hashimoto, M. ‹***)

(2011): Urban geography with GIS. In: L. Mierzejewska and M. Wdowicka (eds), Contemporary problems of urban and regional development. 51-60, Poznan: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

(2011): Spatio-temporal urban land use/cover change analysis in a hill station: The case of Baguio City, Philippines. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21, 326-335. (with Estoque, R. C.‹***)

(2011): Introduction to spatial information science. ESTRELA, 211, 30-33. (in Japanese)

eds (2011): Recent advances in Remote Sensing and GIS in Sub-Sahara Africa. Nova publishers, 211 p. (with Kamusoko, C. ‹**, and Mundia, C. N. **)

(2011): Web-based GIS system for real-time field data collection using a personal mobile phone. Journal of Geographic Information System, 3, 382-389. (with Lwin, K.K. ‹)

(2011): Modelling of urban green space walkability: Eco-friendly walk score calculator. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35, 408-420. (with Lwin, K.K. ‹)

(2011): Mapping the human settlement of South East Asian cities using ALOS AVNIR-2. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 7, 13-17. (with Lwin, K.K. ‹)

(2011): Analytical framework for polygon-based land use change. SIGSPATIAL Special, 3(3), 15-20. (with Mizutani, C. ‹***)

(2011): Land use/cover change detection and analysis for Dzalanyama forest reserve, Lilongwe, Malawi. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21, 203-211. (with Munthali, K. G. ‹***)

(2011): Urban growth modeling of Kathmandu metropolitan region, Nepal. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(1),25-34. (with Thapa, R.B.‹**)

(2011): Site suitability evaluation for ecotourism using GIS & AHP: A case study of Surat Thani Province, Thailand. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21, 269-278. (with Bunruamkaew, K.‹***)

ed. (2011): Spatial analysis and modeling in geographical transformation process: GIS-based applications. GeoJournal Library Series, 100, Dordrecht, Springer, 300p. (with Thapa, R.B.)

(2011): Spatial analysis: Evolution, methods, and applications. In Spatial analysis and modeling in geographical transformation process: GIS-based applications. GeoJournal Library Series, 100, Dordrecht, Springer, 1-26. (with Thapa, R.B.)

(2011): Construction of spatial database on living environment in Tsukua. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 88, 1-9. (J with Hashimoto, M. ‹***

(2011): Development of GeoWeb for historical statistics. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 88, 11-31. (J with Ono, H. **)

(2011): Reservoir sedimentation and flood control: Using a geographical information system to estimate sediment yield of the Songwe River watershed in Malawi. Sustainability, 3-1, 254-269. (with Munthali, K.G.‹*** and Irvine, B.J.**

(2010): Drivers of urban growth in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal: Examining the efficacy of the analytic hierarchy process. Applied Geography, 30,70-83. (with Thapa, R.B.‹)

(2010): Urban thermal fringes and environmental quality assessment: a case study of Tsukuba City. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 6, 23-27. (with Lwin, K.K.‹)

(2010): Urban growth modeling of Kathmandu metropolitan region, Nepal. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35-1, 25-34.(with Thapa, R.B.‹)

(2010): Delineation of suitable cropland areas using a GIS based multi-criteria evaluation approach in the Tam Dao National Park region, Vietnam. Sustainability, 2, 2024-2043. (with Khoi, D.D. ‹***)

(2010): Suitability analysis for beekeeping sites in La Union, Philippines, using GIS and multi-criteria evaluation techniques. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 5, 242-253. (with Estoque, R. C. ‹***

(2010): Remote sensing: platforms and sensors. In Barney Warf, ed, Encyclopedia of Geography, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage,2420-2424. (with Thapa, R.B.‹

(2010): Integration of GIS and multicriteria evaluation for cropland allocation in the Tam Dao National Park region, Vietnam. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 19, 4p. (with Khoi, D.D. ‹***)

(2010): Spatial modeling of urban dynamics in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 19, 4p. (with Thapa, R.B.‹)

(2010): Interactive spatial planning, GIS Network Model, saving energy, and Tsukuba City. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 19, 4p.(with Lwin, K.K.‹)

(2010): Forecasting areas vulnerable to forest conversion in the Tam Dao National Park Region, Vietnam. Remote Sensing, 2, 1249-1272. (with Khoi, D.D.‹***)

(2010): Characteristics of major statistical sources in the Meiji Period. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 87, 1-16. (J with Watanabe, R.‹)

(2010): Historical statistics and GIS: Spatial visualization and digitalization of regional statistics in the modernization period in Japan. Statistics, 61-4, 2-9.(J with Watanabe, H.***)

(2010): Construction of regional information database in the modernization period. In Population, Living and Nature: Analysis by GIS (Sinfonica Research Series, 17, 57-72.) (J with Watanabe, H.,*** Morimoto, T., Fujita, K., Yamashita, A.**)

(2010): Modeling spatial processes of urban growth in African cities: A case studies of Nairobi city. Urban Geography, 31, 259–272. (with Mundia, C.N.‹)

(2010): Development of GIS tool for dasymetric mapping. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 6, 11-18. (with Lwin, K.‹***)Murayama, Y.

(2009): A GIS approach to estimation of building population for micro-spatial analysis. Transactions in GIS, 13, 401-414. (with Lwin, K.‹***)

(2009): Examining spatiotemporal urbanization patterns in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Remote sensing and spatial metrics approaches. Remote Sensing, 1, 534-556. (with Thapa, R.B.‹)

(2009): Evaluating walkability in Tsukuba using remote sensing and GIS. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 18, 549-552.(with Thapa, R.B.‹)

(2009): Analysis of land use/cover changes and animal population dynamics in a wildlife sanctuary in Kenya. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 18, 131-134.(with Mundia, C.N.‹)

(2009): Web GIS for evaluating walkability environment in urban center of Tsukuba. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 5 ,41-45. (with Thapa, R.B.‹)

ed. (2009): Technology of GIS. Asakura-Shoten, Tokyo, 212p. (J with Shibasaki, R. **)

(2009): Land use/cover changes and wildlife population trends in Masai Mara ecosystem in Kenya. Remote Sensing, 1, 952-970. (with Mundia, C.N.‹)Murayama, Y.

(2009): Revisiting Japan during the Meiji era with the world of maps built from historical regional statistics using GIS. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 86, 1-14. (with Vista, B.M.**)

(2009): Internet GIS for historical regional statistics. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 4, 21-24. (with Vista, B.M.‹**)

(2009): The application of GIS in education administration: Protecting students from hazardous roads. Transactions in GIS, 13, 105-123. (with Ahmadi Nejad Masouleh, F.‹** and RhofDess, T. W.**)

(2009):  Urban mapping, accuracy, & image classification: A comparison of multiple approaches in Tsukuba City, Japan. Applied Geography, 29, 135-144. (with Thapa, R.B.‹

ed. (2009): Developing teaching method of geographical information science. Research Report Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A, JSPS, 307p. (JE)

ed. (2009): GIS for life and culture. Asakura-Shoten, Tokyo, 204p. (J)

ed. (2009): GIS for social infrastructure and environment. Asakura-Shoten, Tokyo, 204p. (J)

ed. (2009): Theory of GIS. Asakura-Shoten, Tokyo, 188p. (J) et al.

(2008): Preface for the special issue on GIS. Journal of Geography, 117, 307-311.( JE)

(2008): Development of gHistorical Regional Statisticsh and utilization of the data: focusing on Japanese modern era. Journal of Geography, 117, 307-311. (JE, with Watanabe, H***.and Fujita K*)

(2008): Driving factors of land use changes in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 11-14. (with Thapa, R.B. ‹*)

(2008): Sustainability in African cities: Land use/cover changes and modeling urban growth in Nairobi city. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 15-20. (with Mundia, C.N.‹*)

(2008): A GIS tool for building population analysis. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 149-154. (with Lwin, K.K.‹***)

(2008): Development of teaching methods for GIS education in geography: Cases at the College of Natural Science and the Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 281-284. (JE, with Morimoto, T.‹*)

(2008): Integration of legacy-geo-spatial web services by using FOSS GIS catalogue service software. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 505-508. (JE, with Ono, H.‹**)

(2008): Development and application of the geographic information portal for GIS education. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 509-512. (JE, with Ohbi, K.‹*)

(2008): Development of teaching method of geographical information science. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 17, 523-528. (JE)

(2008): Development and utilization of fieldwork GIS station. Tsukuba Stud. Hum. Geogr., 32, 37-50. (JE, with Komaki, N.*** and Ono, H.**)

(2008): Significance and problems of building the geography network in the University of Tsukuba. Tsukuba Stud. Hum. Geogr., 32, 1-16. (JE, with Ohbi, K.‹)

(2008): City Profile: Kathmandu. Cities, 25(1), 45-57. (with Thapa, R.B.‹*** and Ale, S.**)

(2008): Land evaluation for peri-urban agriculture using analytical hierarchical process and geographic information system techniques: A case study of Hanoi. Land Use Policy, 25(2), 225-239. (with Thapa, R.B.‹***)

(2008): Sea navigation, challenges and potentials in South East Asia: An assessment of suitable sites for shipping canal in South Thai Isthmus. GeoJournal, 70(2-3), 161-172. (with Thapa, R.B.,‹*** Kusanagi, M.**and Kitazumi, A.**)

(2008): Mapping of ghistorical regional statistical datah. Annual Report on the Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 85, 1-14. (J, with Watanabe, H.‹***)

ed. (2008): GIS for Business and Administration. Asakura-Shoten, Tokyo, 196p. (J)

(2007): Urban growth in the Tokyo metropolitan area: Insight from urban form and landscape. In Yan, X. and Xue, D. eds., Urban Development, Planning and Governance in Globalization, Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Guangzhou, 371-389. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2007): Development of GIS technology and methodological changes in spatial analysis. Planning and Policy (Korea), 2007:9, 82-97. (J)

(2007): Image classification techniques in mapping urban landscape: A case study of Tsukuba city using AVNIR-2 sensor data. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 3, 3-10. (with Thapa, R.B.‹***)

(2007): Monitoring land cover change in Kathmandu city using spatial metrics and remote sensing techniques. Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics, 6, 76-84. (with Thapa, R.B. ‹*** and Bajimaya, M. **)

(2007): Dynamic analysis of the neighborhood effect in urban geosimulation: A case study of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 13-16. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2007): Multi-agent systems for modeling urban dynamics: A case study of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 25-28. (with Zhang, Y.‹***)

(2007): Personal field data collection by UM-Field GIS. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 165-170. (with Ko Ko, L.‹***)

(2007): Regional structure of central Japan in the middle Meiji era through the investigation of Chohatsu Bukken Ichiran Hyo 1891. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 165-170. (JE, with Watanabe, H.,‹*** Morimoto, T., Yamashita, A.** and Fujita, K.)

(2007): GIS education with field work for high school students-collaboration among highschool, university, research institute and GIS company. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 257-260. (JE, with Mizutani, C.,‹***  Morimoto, T., Saitoh, T. ** and Kameyama, S. **)

(2007): GIS training course for high school teacher: Collaboration of high school and university supported by science partnership project. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 289-292. (JE, with Morimoto, T.‹)

(2007): The arrangement of ghistorical regional statistical datah and its future view. Tsukuba Stud. Hum. Geogr., 31 115-132. (JE, with Watanabe, H.***)

ed. (2007): Developing teaching method of geographical information science. Research Report Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A, JSPS, 112p. (JE)

(2007): Availability of SDAM in spatial analysis. In Developing teaching method of geographical information science. Research Report Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A, JSPS, 112p. (JE, with Komaki, N.***)

(2007): A new method to model neighborhood interaction in Cellular Automata-based urban geosimulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4488, 550-557. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2007): Urban dynamics analysis using spatial metrics: A case study of Yokohama city. Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, 2, 9-18. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2006): Development of Web GIS for visualizing population movement. Ann. Rep., Multi Use Social and Economic Data Bank, 82, 15-30. (J)

(2006): Availability of SDAM in quantitative geography. Tsukuba Stud. Hum. Geogr., 30, 99-12. (JE, with Komaki, N. ***)

(2006): Spatial Analysis with GIS. Kokon-Shoin, Tokyo, 226p. (J, with Okabe, A.‹**)

(2006): An analysis of landscape changes based on topography and distance from river. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 463-466. (JE, with Ohbi , K. ‹* and Kuwabara, Y. **)

(2006): A restoration method for previous municipal boundaries in exploitation of existing digital data by using a Census 2000fs boundary data. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 143-146. (JE, with Fujita, K. et al.‹**)

(2006): Database construction of the administration boundary changes from 1889 to 2006. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 185-188. (JE, with Uezu, A. et al.‹***)

(2006): Delineating optimal elementary school district using the network Voronoi diagram: a case study of Tsukuba City. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 229-232. (JE, with Katsuragi, T. et al.‹***)

(2006): Analysis of population distribution by using historical statistics focused on topographic conditionPapers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 329-332. (JE, with Watanabe, H. et al.‹***)

(2006): Spatial characteristics of population distribution focused on catchment division: Comparative study of Meiji era and today in the four river basins in the Kanto Region. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 333-338. (JE, with Yamashita, A. et al.‹***)

(2006): Detecting urban land use/cover change using satellite imageries: a case study of the Katmandu metropolitan area, NepalDPapers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 29-32. (with Thapa, R.B.‹***)

(2006): Scale effect in urban land use pattern analysis: a comparison between two systems of land use classification. Papers and Proceedings of the 7th International Cooperative Seminar between KAGIS & GISA, 89-100.(with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2006): Modeling spatial processes of urban growth using cellular automata: a case study of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 15, 43-48. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2006): A method to model neighborhood interactions in geo-simulation of urbanization processes. In Raubal, M., Miller, H.J., Frank, A.U., Goodchild, M.F., eds., Extended Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, IFGI Prints, 28, 415-420. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2006): Field-based fuzzy spatial reasoning model: case of constraint satisfaction problem. In:Raubal, M., Miller, H.J., Frank, A.U., Goodchild, M.F., eds., Extended Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, IFGI Prints, 28, 421-424. (with Zhao, Y‹*** and Zhang Y.***)

(2006): Effect of spatial scale on urban land-use pattern analysis in different classification systems: an empirical study in the CBD of Tokyo. Theory and Applications of GIS, 14, 29-42. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2005): Scale effect in urban land use pattern analysis: a comparison between two systems of land use classification. Papers and Proceedings of the 7th International Cooperative Seminar between KAGIS & GISA, 89-100.(with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2005): Spatial effect on pattern analysis of urban land use in different classification systems. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 67-71.(with Zhao, Y. ‹***)

(ed.) (2005): Cities in Global Perspective: Diversity and Transition, IGU Urban Commission, 626p. (with Du, G.**)

(2005): Cities in global perspective: diversity and transition. In Murayama, Y. and G Du, eds., Cities in Global Perspective: Diversity and Transition, IGU Urban Commission, 1-10.(with Du, G. ‹**)

(2005): Effect characteristics of spatial resolution on the analysis of urban land use pattern: a case study of CBD in Tokyo using spatial autocorrelation index. In Murayama, Y. and G. Du, eds., Cities in Global Perspective: Diversity and Transition, IGU Urban Commission, 585-594. (with Zhao, Y.‹***)

(2005): Field-based fuzzy spatial reasoning model for geographical information systems: case of constraint satisfaction problem. Theory and Applications of GIS, 13, 21-31. (with Zhao, Y.‹***, Zhang, Y.***)

(2005): Development of GIS Core Curricula – Examination of Curriculum Draft –. Working Group on GIS Education Curricula, Geographic Information Systems Association in Japan, 36 p. (J, with Okabe, A. ‹**, Oguchi, T. **, Kohsaka, H., Satoh, H.**, Kawabata, M. **)

(2005): Development of GIS core curricula:  a curriculum draft, chapters 1 and 2. Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo, Discussion Paper, 66, 1-16.( J, with Kawabata, M. ‹**, Okabe, A. **, Oguchi, T. **, Kohsaka, H. **)

(ed.) (2005): Geographical Information Systems. Asakura-shoten, 205p. (J)

(2005): Analysis of urban spatial structure using spatial attributes of irregular areas. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 1-6.( J, with Zhang, C.‹**)

(2005): Directions of land use change in surrounding municipalities of gTsukuba Expressh railway line. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 189-194. (JE, with Ohbi, K. et al.‹*)

(2005): Locational relationship between river and human inhabitation – Comparative study of population distributions in Meiji era and today in Naka and Ara river basins, Kanto region -. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 353-356. (JE, with Yamashita, A. et al.‹**)

i2005j: Spatial analysis of historical statistical data using GIS and DEM – A case study of the distribution of water mills in Kanto area recorded in Requisition order list 1891 -. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 357-360. (JE, with Watanabe, H. et al.‹***)

i2005j: Cultivation abandonment and physical and social environment: an analysis of the rural community statistics with GIS. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 319-324. (JE, with Morimoto, T. et al.‹*)

i2005j: Lecturing and hand-on studies of quantitative geography using gSDAM (Spatial Data Analysis Machine)h. Papers and Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 14, 405-408. (JE, with Komaki, N. et al.‹***)