Personal Information
Citizenship: Japanese
Address: Division of Spatial Information Science
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, 305-8572, Japan.
Email: mura@geoenv.tsukuba.ac.jp
1987, D.Sc., Geography
1979, M.A., Area Studies
1977, B.Sc., Geography
Research Interests/Specialty
GIS, Spatial Analysis, Urban /Transport Geography
Professional Positions
2004-present: Professor, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba
2001-2004: Professor, Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
1999-2001: Associate Professor, Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
1988-1999: Assistant Professor, Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
1987-1988: Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Mie University
1985-1987: Lecturer, Department of Geography, Mie University
1983-1985: Research Associate, Division of Human Geography, Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
Professional Affiliations Activities
2011-present: Member, Science Council of Japan
2012-present: Steering Committee Member, IGU Commission on Transport and Geography
2012-present: Director, Tokyo Geographical Society
2012-2014: Director, The Association of Japanese Geographers
2006-2008: President, Geographic Information Systems Association of Japan
2005-present: Adjunct Professor, Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo
2002-present: Organizer, GIS Forum for Education, Japan
2000-2008: Secretary and Steering Committee Member, IGU Commission on Monitoring Cities of Tomorrow
Member of Editorial Boards
2015-present: Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An Overview
2015-present: (Associate Editor) Euro-Mediterranean Journal of Environmental Integration
2015-present: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
2013-present: Open Journal of Remote Sensing and Positioning
2015-present: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
2012-present: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
2012-present: Transactions in GIS
2011-present: (Editor) Urban Studies Research
2010-present: (Managing Editor) AJG Library: International Perspectives in Geography
2010-present: Positioning
2001-present: Journal of Transport Geography
2001-present: GeoJournal
2008-2012: Theory and Applications of GIS
2002-2012: Urban Geography
2006-2008: (Editor-in-Chief) Geographical Review of Japan (Series B)
Academic Prizes/Awards
2014: Excellence Award, Geospatial World Forum
2009-present: Marquis Whofs Who in the World
2008-present: Marquis Whofs Who in America,
2012: Geospatial World Excellence Award (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
2011: Asia Geospatial Excellence Award (Jakarta, Indonesia)
2008: GIS, Outstanding Scientist, IBC England
2007: Marquis Whofs Who in Asia
2003: Association Prize, Association of Japanese Geographers, Japan
2002: Association Prize, Best Book Award, JSRSA, Japan
1991: Abe Fellow Award, Social Science Research Council, USA